The Hijri/Shamsi calendar

The Gregorian Calendar is based on the solar movements and starts with the birth of Jesus, while the Hijri (Islamic) calendar is based on lunar movements and starts with the migration of Muhammad form Mecca to Medina, which occurred in 622.

In 1940 under the directives and supervision of Mahmood Ahmad, after much research and calculations, a new calendar was worked out, the Hijri/Shamsi (solar/Hegira) calendar. Although this calendar is based on solar calculations, however it starts form the migration of Muhammad instead of the birth of Jesus. According to this method 2008 CE corresponds to 1387 Hijri/Shamsi, i.e. 1,387 years have passed since the migration of Muhammmad from Mecca to Medina. The number and time frame of each month of this calendar is the same as the Christian calendar (the lunar month being shorter by some days than the solar one).[29] Each month of the Solar/Hegira calendar is based on an important event of early Islamic History: He had many attributes within him regarding the humanities. In Jama't Ahmadiyya he is called the real founder of Pakistan because he forced the Quid-e-Aazam Muhammad Ali Jinah (the of Pakistan) to come back to India when he had left his campaign for the freedom of Muslims. Mirza Bashir-ul-Din paid a pivotal role in the foundation of Pakistan. He provided Many soldiers from his community to the government of Pakistan at time of danger for the security Kashmir and many northern areas as where it needed. This force was called "the Furqan Force".

  1. Sulh (peace): January
  2. Tabligh (preaching): February
  3. Aman (protection): March
  4. Shahadat (martyrdom): April
  5. Hijrat (Migration): May
  6. Ehsan (benevolence): June
  7. Wafa (loyalty): July
  8. Zahoor (appearance): August
  9. Ikha (brotherhood): September
  10. Tabook (battle of Tabouk): October
  11. Nabuwat (prophethood) November
  12. Fatah (victory): December